We have taken a voluntary decision in 1989. We entered through a door; into a room. This room is one that includes our unique research and development about security, and reflects our past in shapes and colors. We locked ourselves into this room. We threw the key to that door into the obscure ocean. Our exit from that room depends on our exit through other doors, than the one through which we have entered.

In other words, it depends on our new discoveries that would contribute to the safety of steel doors. Yet, this is a process that we would not prefer to see come to an end. Therefore, we will force every new door that we discover to find out if it leads us to a more beautiful place. For us it is impossible to be instilled about door safety since it is a never ending process. We have entered into this room voluntarily. The only thing that we feel at ease about when walking in this room is the promise that we made to our brand!
